2023 - VA Benefits Update

These are the TWO-FACES of VA. As you read in the opening paragraph of this update FROM VA, the author states, “That’s exactly what Veterans like you deserve.”

And yet, EVERY submission begins with DENIED.

If VA REALLY worked FOR the Veteran in this respect, WHY do they not indicate in the denial, PRECISELY the actions or evidence to procure and submit so the claim(s) DO get APPROVED. You know, like, “Instructions Every Veteran Should Follow to Have Their Claims APPROVED in Less Than 20 Years.”

Sure, they tell the Veteran in the denial letter what forms and options are available, but those are merely placed in the letter to appease the Veteran and report to congress they ARE advising the Veteran.

If you’ve tried these steps on your own, you know what we mean.

We exist so you can LIVE your life, not feel beat down by the system.

The report is >>HERE<<.