Print this. Post it on your refrigerator.

This is not meant to be a scolding, rather a father or brother speaking to you with all the care and fondness you would expect from someone who truly cares about your well-being.


Once you’re claims are filed, if you didn’t follow our instructions, those are more than likely what you’ll see on one of your first responses from VA.

It’s what you should expect if you choose to ignore our instructions.

You know.

The ones you received when you chose SOS to assist you.

Because you didn’t follow them, and we KNOW you didn’t, because you received DENIALS for nearly ALL submitted claims.

As we’ve told you, denials are issued because VA sees NO CURRENT DIAGNOSIS for your claims.

Now you’re staring at the letter from VA wondering what to do.

See, when you have a DOCTOR or other medical professional DIAGNOSE each of your conditions claimed on the 4138, the question is always asked, “HOW, WHEN, and WHERE did you injure or were exposed to the condition?”

What do you think that answer is?

However, because you didn’t follow our instructions, the process is going to take longer; you know, because you chose not to follow the instructions of a FORMER VA APPEALS ATTORNEY.

Now what?

Take the 4138 we completed for you during your initial consultation and submitted for you and PRINT IT OUT.

HIGHLIGHT all the contentions placed on that 4138.

Call your primary care provider.

Schedule an appointment to have that provider GIVE YOU A CURRENT DIAGNOSIS for EACH CONDITION and how these relate to your TIME IN SERVICE. (Service connection.) TAKE A WITNESS TO ALL EXAMS.

Now you have a “current diagnosis” with service connection.

This now becomes a “service-connected disability”. (aka, Continuation of symptomology.)

These examinations now become a part of your permanent medical history which VA will obtain as we instructed them to. (Remember? You don’t have to curate or provide your records. Truthfully, VA is required to make TWO attempts and advise you of same. If they are unable to obtain records, you will be advised to procure them and provide same to VA.

The reality is, most medical professionals are either lazy or overwhelmed, and when you instruct them on what you need an appointment for, they shit themselves and refuse. Apparently, forms which aren’t those given them to bill people with, are like kryptonite to them.

No primary medial care provider?

No problemo.

In the Las Vegas market, we have a medical group whom we’ve met with, shared what our Veterans need to assist in the claims process, and now share them with you here.

Andrew Bonilla – My Family Doc
3227 E. Warm Springs Rd., Ste. 300
Henderson, NV 89120

Call him.
Tell him who referred you.
He knows what to do.
Make your appointment.

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