Have you REALLY followed our instructions?
(Asked with all the care of a father to his son…or daughter.)
You received DENIALS, now what?
(First, allow the anger, frustration and anxiety to subside.)
Now. Did you follow our instructions on getting exams on your own referring to the the contentions listed on your 4138?
More than likely, you did not; which is WHY some of your claims were denied. (NO current diagnosis. No service connections.)
So. Now what?
Take the letter from VA you received indicating the claims denied, and GO GET THEM DIAGNOSED as a current condition.
Report to us when this step is complete and we will prepare a 0995 to submit to reopen these with new evidence.
Do you now see the importance of trusting the process and following instructions?
The blog post we sent you at the time you hired us to assist you, is >> HERE <<