“It sounds too good to be true.”

Several times when consulting a Veteran, we hear the phrase, “It sounds too good to be true.”
It makes us wonder, “What, is too good to be true?”
As we make no guarantees, (As NOBODY should), it usually comes down to price. To our disbelief, some have commented our price may be too low to seem…real. Meaning, while others charge ZERO fees upfront, and by charging a percentage of the award on the back end, the profit for them as a company is GINORMOUS. Good for them. This is the predominant model Veterans are used to hearing about which creates a great deal of distress in them.
Once a Veteran receives THEIR award and back pay, IT’S ALL THEIRS. We prefer the Veteran invest in themselves to benefit from our expertise and knowledge of strategy to give them the highest probability of success.
So, with the number of options available, (As indicated I in the video on the home page of our website.), the choice on how to pursue these funds lies at the feet of the Veteran. Where it should be.
And should SOS be blessed to help, we will always kick ass for our Veterans.