"Let me speak to your manager."

Denials. Appeals. WTH?

Ok, look at it like this.

When you have a poor meal or service at a restaurant, and your server is less than cooperative, what is “protocol”?
(Your SERVER is the initial RATER at whatever RO which received your file.)

Back to protocol…pretty much you’re gonna say,

“Let me speak to the manager.”

Manager arrives.

You describe the situation.

The manager looks at the server.

The manager FIXES the issue.

Everyone is happy…well, maybe not the server, LOL.

The point to the story here, is that the MANAGER in a restaurant is the HLR in the VA disability benefit
rating game.

If the manager refuses to fix the issue, where do you go next?

The executive level.

How do you think THAT escalation is going to go. If you receive a response AT ALL?

The executive level in the VA disability rating world is the APPEALS process.

See why we seek to avoid, at all costs, the appeals process?
