Real life stories from real life Veterans.

As far as relationship with your company it’s been great. Guys like us who are doing heavy grind out in the real world do have some issues related to life and medical needs and you and your SOS team understands what we go through and you’re our help lifeline that reaches out and give us that needed hand of help
and support when the time is up and when it really matters the most.

Companies like SOS and others alike make a big difference in the veterans life, once the boots on the ground grind ends then the hard grind dealing with the VA starts and just like the state farm insurance commercial motto “ you’re in good hands with SOS”

Deresse B. – Las Vegas, NV

BTW, as one of your fellow Veterans mentioned, stories about us in whatever we do now might be interesting.

We agree.

If you are interested in sharing yours, we’d be pleased to showcase it for all of us here.