Never stop learning

The SOS blog Archive

A person holding a small house with cream walls


PROTECT THE “HOUSE”. YOUR, HOUSE. Veterans updating their living trusts and dealing with estate planning issues is part of the process. Proper estate planning will help

Wear red on friday until they all come home

Red Shirt Fridays

Red Shirt Fridays Resources in life are the true method to achieve spectacular results. Trying to accomplish much, alone, can be overwhelming and frustrating. Stop

A person wearing jeans and black shoes

“I can do this myself.”

“I can do this myself.” I respect the “DIY” folks…sometimes I’m one…however, here’s a little story to illustrate the flaw in such thinking…enjoy. CUSTOMER: “How

Ya Just Gotta Laugh.

Ya Just Gotta Laugh. With everything a veteran is put through to obtain these vital and important benefits, sometimes taking a breath can help. Just

Estate planning law words written on a board

Grow an estate and leave a legacy.

Grow an estate and leave a legacy. As your awards begin rolling in, you’ll begin to feel some level of either validation or vindication. For

Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day! America owes each of you a debt of gratitude and the patriots of America are deeply grateful for your time and sacrifice.