What do Brittany Force and SOS Veterans Assistance have in common?
What do Brittany Force and SOS Veterans Assistance have in common? Brittany Force went 3.641-seconds at 338.94 mph in her 11,000-horsepower Monster Energy dragster, eclipsing
Never stop learning
What do Brittany Force and SOS Veterans Assistance have in common? Brittany Force went 3.641-seconds at 338.94 mph in her 11,000-horsepower Monster Energy dragster, eclipsing
What state do you live in? Sooooo many additional state-level benefits are available to you at certain disability rating levels. A link to each state
So. You have children. How does graduation from USC sound? Your goal for the New Year, or ANY year, should be what today’s blog post
Here are more than 300 bases with possible toxic ‘forever chemical’ contamination. Thank you to Military Times for the extensive research for this article. What
Why our military members typically do NOT report medical concerns or injuries while IN SERVICE. Well, a picture says a thousand words…there’s also a thing
Monday. Yuk. Ok, well, truthfully, ANY DAY ending in a “Y” can be “One of those days”, right? So, what we DO about them IN
Veteran Readiness and Employment (VRE) If you have a service-connected disability that limits your ability to work or prevents you from working, Veteran Readiness and
What you should do right after your initial consult with SOS. You MUST lean in to this. Seriously. Take the 4138 we completed for you
Difference between a VSO and a professional. See it?
“I’m at 100%. Should I submit additional claims?” Great question. Once a Veteran is classified as (P&T) permanent and total once he/she has permanent and