After years of VA compensation denials, I was on the verge up giving up. I decided to contact SOS Veterans Assistance. They helped me file my claims and get compensation. (NO RATING to 60% in less than 6 months.) The service provided is truly priceless.
Wow. After being discharged form the Navy in 1987, like all Veterans, I dealt with daily pain thinking "it is what it is". WHAT a mistake that was. I didn't know what I didn't know. I filed August 2022. Not only am I a client of SOS, I'm part owner and it's my mission to fight for all of us. *** UPDATE *** April 2024. 30% plus a healthy deposit of back pay. Never quit!
30% to 100% in 6 months! I was skeptical of course as there are some scammers in our world, but SOS came through! It feels awesome to have success and more than that, appreciated and helped.
As far as relationship with your company it’s been great. Guys like us who are doing heavy grind out in the real world do have some issues related to life and medical needs and you and your SOS team understands what we go through and you’re our help lifeline that reaches out and give us that needed hand of help and support when the time is up and when it really matters the most. Companies like SOS and others alike make a big difference in the veterans life, once the boots on the ground grind ends then the hard grind dealing with the VA starts and just like the state farm insurance commercial motto “ You’re in good hands with SOS”. ***UPDATE*** March 2024 - Just over a year with SOS, a 100% P&T rating was awarded.
I was at 90%. It was tough and took YEARS. I stopped because I didn't want to go through it ever again. Then, I was introduced to SOS. Louie and Ed took their time educating me, told me what to expect, and what was needed from me. In 6 months, SOS boosted me to 100%! I am so grateful.
60% to SEVEN months! What else can you say. Except, I am totally grateful to SOS for the assistance. I tell all my active duty and Veteran guys to do the same.
Zero to 90%. In SIX months. Didn't think it was possible but after my initial consult with Ed and Louie, I felt really positive...and it paid off. And I'm now pushing for my 100%.
In September 2023 I connected with SOS. I had no rating. I took advantage of my free consultation with Louie and Ed. I decided to take the chance as I finally felt my chances were very good. Wow! In February 2024, I was awarded 60% PLUS back pay! Don't second guess yourself. It's our entitlement. ***UPDATE*** April 2024, now at 90%.
I had a 20% rating but felt with all my other conditions, I was surely deserving of more. I met with Louie and Ed for my virtual consultation and decided to move ahead. In 7 months I was awarded 100% P&T. I couldn't have done it without them.
August 2023, NO RATING. After my free consultation with Louie and Ed, I decided to step up. March 2024, 90%! I highly recommend pursuing your entitlement with help from SOS.
I came to SOS in August 2023 with a 40% rating. In April 2024 I was awarded 90%. In only EIGHT MONTHS. I thought for sure any increase would take so much longer from everything I read. Now we will work harder to push me to 100. Thank you guys! ***UPDATE*** May 2024, Jesse was awarded his 100%!
60% in August 2023 to 90% in May 2024. SOS was so easy and professional to work with and now we're working harder to receive my 100%.
August 2023 I was referred to Louie at SOS to evaluate my 40% rating to see how we could push it higher. June 2024...90%. With numerous exams still pending, 100% appears hugely likely. Thank you Louie & Ed!
I have many service related medical issues. My former spouse is a Veteran and after using SOS, she suggested for me to make claims on my medical conditions. I came to Louie and Ed with a long standing 10% rating. 5 WEEKS later I was issued a rating of 70%. I still have multiple exams to complete and I’m hoping to reach a rating of 100%. Thank you guys for keeping it real. Mostly , thank you for helping us Veterans.
I saw Louie at the gym and he saw my Veteran hat and asked if I had a VA rating. I did not. This was October 2023. In August 2024 I got to 80%! This was so many years later, I should not have waited. Thank you Louie!
I discovered SOS in July 2024. I contracted with them to assist me in August. In November 2024, I was granted a rating of 100%! In 90 days! Just follow their guidance. If you're a Veteran needing ratings assistance, forget about anyone but SOS. Thanks guys!
10% - November, 2024 100% - February 2025. Louie and John, I would like to thank you for all your help on getting my VA disability up to 100%. I appreciate everything that you do and I am referring you to all the VA members that need the help.
November 26, 2024 - NO RATING February 11, 2025 - 100% 75 days. Just got an award letter and a check in the mail today. Seriously? THANK YOU GUYS!
July 2024 - 70% February 2025 - 100% Of course I was skeptical, but my wife persuaded me to at least get the free consultation. Seven months. Still hard to believe, especially when I know there are others taking way longer. Thank you guys for the great work!
This website, its owners, affiliates, and partners are not affiliated with any Local, State, or Federal Government agency and its marketing materials,
and/or strategies are not affiliated with or approved by the U.S. Government. This website assists Veterans in applying for and obtaining Veterans benefits by pre-qualifying Veterans and connecting them to a service provider who may be able to provide supporting medical evidence to substantiate their
Veteran disability benefits claim.
Ⓒ 2025 SOS Veterans Assistance
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